How to exchange TON for regular money?
As soon as the funds from the balance have been transferred to your Tonkeeper wallet or another TON wallet, you can exchange them to any other currency.
You can exchange TON to a fiat currency via:
@CryptoBot — Telegram bot. Place an order and exchange directly with other users (P2P exchange). Guide for withdrawing TON and exchanging it for regular money:
Step 1. Launch the bot using the /start command or the "Start" button.
Step 2. Click "Wallet", then "Top up". Copy the wallet address from the bot and paste it in the Withdraw tab on Ton.Place. Be sure to specify the amount of TON you want to withdraw.
Step 3. When TON is credited to your CryptoBot wallet, select "Market" in the main menu. Next, click "Sell". Select the currency you want to exchange TON to (USD, EUR, RUB, BYN, UAH, KYZ). You can change the Market currency later in the settings.
Step 4. Select one of the payment methods to exchange TON for the currency of your choice.
Step 6. Select a suitable offer from the list. For example:
The available volume of this offer is 945 TON at an exchange rate of 1.2 $ / TON. The limit is from $200 to $1,500. This means you can withdraw at least $200 worth of TON and a maximum of $1,500 worth of TON. Tip: You can always contact the seller by clicking on their user name. Check the number of transactions, the rating and the volume of completed sales. Pay attention to the terms of the transaction. This way, you will protect yourself from scammers.
Step 6. Click "Sell" and enter the payment details where you want to withdraw TON to. You can add a comment to the transaction, but this is optional.
Step 7. Enter the amount you want to withdraw in TON or in the previously selected currency. Select and confirm the payment details by clicking on "View transaction". Wait for the transfer of funds.
Step 8. When the funds have been credited to your card, you need to confirm this and complete the transfer of the required amount of TON to the seller. If it's been more than 15 minutes since you made the payment, and the funds have not been credited to your card, you can open a dispute.
Mercuryo — top up and withdraw to a bank card (identity verification is required). Find the guide for withdrawing funds here.
Neoсrypto — top up and withdraw to a bank card (identity verification is required).
OKX, EXMO — exchange TON and other currencies (for example, BTC, ETH), withdraw to a bank card or use a P2P exchange (identity verification is required).
Last updated
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